【学术讲座】Kernel-based Independence Tests for High-dimensional Response Data



报告摘要:Testing independence between high-dimensional response variable and some co-variates is frequently encountered in statistical applications nowadays, and the kernel-based methods have been developed recently. However, the traditional kernel-based methods may suffer from substantial power loss under the situations with moderate to high correlations among responses. In this work, we first propose a set of kernel-based independence tests on the basis of angles between two reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and obtain their asymptotical null distributions. Then, we construct two tests including maximal kernel-based independence test (MKIT) and maximin ecient robust test (MERT). Under some regular conditions, we prove that MKIT and MERT asymptotically follow extreme-value type I-Gumbel distribution and normal distribution, respectively. The powers of MKIT and MERT are also investigated.

Extensive simulation studies show that MKIT and MERT are more powerful and robust than many existing procedures over a wide range of situations. Applications to heterogeneous stock mice and prostate cancer pathway data ulteriorly demonstrate the performances of proposed methods.

腾讯会议号232 524 754
